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Find your success in the marijuana industry

Your Success is Our Mission

Green Book

Congratulations on taking the first step toward achieving your goals! The world is truly yours for the taking; you have the power to choose and go wherever you wish. In order to make the most of the opportunities that await you, make sure to take the time to learn as much as you can. Education and knowledge will open many doors and help you to reach your full potential. Good luck, and have fun!

Our Mission

Green Book

We aim to increase the presence of minorities, women, and the underserved within the marijuana industry. Historically, minorities have paid the highest price for the laws against marijuana. Now, we intend to open as many opportunities as possible.

In the short history of retail marijuana markets being open in America, white males have benefitted the most from the opportunities available in the new industry, despite the fact that throughout the war on drugs, minorities have endured higher rates of arrest, misdemeanor, and felony convictions related to marijuana. In addition, we have seen how high entry costs make it difficult for marginalized or underprivileged groups to participate in this new industry nationwide. Our solution will work to raise awareness, improve education opportunities and provide additional resources to under-represented groups seeking to participate in the new market.

Our mission to increase the presence of minorities, women, and the underserved within the marijuana industry

Kim CEO and Jamila COO of Green Rush By Design


Green Rush By Design


Jamila Morris and Kim Tompkins


The CEO, Kim Tompkins, and her daughter Jamila Morris, COO, had the vision to build a community of like-minded individuals in the NY cannabis industry. Yes, we are a mother-and-daughter team. Green Rush By Design seeks to become a thought leader in the space for women, minorities, and the underserved. Your success is our mission! Choosing your pathway in the cannabis industry does not have to be complicated. We provide detailed information on the available choices and how to get involved in this industry. We hope you enjoy learning about the different opportunities in New York and beyond. We are here to support you on your journey.

We are New Yorkers helping New Yorkers!
We look forward to hearing your success story. Let the journey begin!

Green Book